Learn To Plant Tomato Seeds Correctly

Tomatoes are one of the most popular ingredients in our recipes. Many people do experience tomato growing problems even though they are one of the common fruit vegetables that families can easily cultivate at home. In order to reap bountiful of luscious fruit crops make sure that you choose the right variety of tomato. The appropriate variety is dependent on where you intend to grow your tomato plants.

The constant mistakes frequently encountered by most people starting to grow tomatoes at home are incorrect choice of variety, when to plant, over planting, planting in the wrong area, growth of pests, and insufficient knowledge on how to successfully grow tomatoes in your own backyard.

All these problems can be avoided if you know how to effectively grow tomato plants at home. Let us discuss on each matter one by one. The first is what type of variety you should choose if you have limited garden space. There are two kinds of varieties, the determinate and indeterminate kind. If you have only a small space you may opt to choose the determinate kind which means they will grow only for about three inches in height. Pots or any containers are suitable for planting tomatoes with small places or having a patio.

However if space is not an issue then you may choose to grow an heirloom tomato plant in your back-garden. Another thing is to avoid too much supply of tomatoes during harvest. Therefore, you may simultaneously plant tomato seedlings to ensure proper timing and constant supply of tomatoes all throughout the season. Planting one or two fruit bearing plants at a time is sufficient enough but is solely dependent on the immensity of consumption needs.

It would be a waste if you plant more than what you can eat because it will only rot. Knowing when to plant gives you the correct time frame and frequency of growing your tomato seedlings, thus you will know how to divide you planting schedule. Always remember that the absolute time for growing tomato plant is 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature during the day must be 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

Tomatoes planted in the months of March to May, the first tomato does not ripe until late July. Full production of tomato fruits usually begins early August when planted early May. Tomato plants cannot tolerate frost so it is advisable that you schedule planting in the month of June in order to harvest in November just in time before the first frost in December. For home growers with cold climates may make their own portable greenhouse to avoid problems growing tomatoes. In this way, allowing the plants to gradually and safely be exposed to the colder temperature of their outdoor garden.

Another way to avoid problems growing tomato plants is to ascertain that the tomato plant gets six to eight hours of sunlight every day. If the sun gets too hot you may use a newspaper to cover them. To add to that make sure that the plants are provided evenly with sunlight therefore constantly turn the plants around or place it where sufficient supply of sunlight is provided. The reason you do this is because homegrown tomatoes tend to grow toward the direction of the sun. Home tomato growers who prefer to plant tomato seedlings must wait five to six weeks before transplanting them outdoors. If the plant has grown at least six leaves then it is ready to be transplanted to your garden. Before doing so, tilt the garden soil well and should be slightly acidic with a 5.5 to 7.8 ph level. Growing tomato plants with well maintained soil that is moist, fertile and high in organic matters as that will help in growing enormous and crisp fruit crops.

With these simple guidelines you should be able to avoid problems growing tomatoes at home. Experience the confidence of enjoying fresh organic home-grown tomato fruit in your own garden.

Lisa Lovelock has been a tomato growing enthusiast for many years and loves showing others how to grow tomatoes successfully too. If you wish to read more useful and unique tips on how to avoid tomato problems growing [http://www.growtomatoesguide.com/tomato-problems-growing/] or to get her Free ‘Growing Tomatoes Successfully’ mini-course then visit her site http://www.growtomatoesguide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Alexandra_Lovelock